My daughter, Kerri and I were living in California at the time. Both hoping for the magic of California to bless us. Leaving behind us was Philadelphia where I founded several businesses, all just slightly ahead of their time. My plan was to come up with something bigger then me.
I watched a PBS college credit show whereas a Physicist was beating on a young football player shin pad explaining it was duration, not displacement that made the difference. Since I always had a fascination with F=MA. I set my self to solve the problem of Car Crashes.
Being a futurist and a spiritualist I knew the answer did not lie within the current dogma and could only come about by coming up with the right questions, After a year of learning how not to do it i had a breakthrough. Like a cliche' driving over Laurel Canyon Blvd on the way to Hollywood, it hit me, a spinning cab sitting on a rising arm. From there the FlexObile designed itself. I became the artist removing the rock to reveal the statue within. And I truly believe there is still more hidden within the FlexObile's design.
Coming of age in the 60's I always had an optimistic view of the world, no matter how bad it may look or how much our Government can get out of control. We are Americans. And I, with a lot of other Americans, are in our garages reinventing the world, once again. |